Thursday, May 22, 2008


Political "change" should involve more than implementing one new regulation (or tax) instead of another; real change would mean less regulation, lower taxes.

Candidates who claim that religion will inform but not influence their political decisions are guilty of disingenuous Doublespeak or remarkable self-deception.

Self-professed foreign policy expert John McCain boasts that he was involved in every major security issue of the past twenty years. Voters should ask themselves, "Do I feel safer than I did twenty years ago?"

Democrat candidates seem smarter, Republicans savvier!

American voters crave reassurance from candidates that we are (still) great and good.

Politics should be a calling, not a career.

The longer the campaign, the less impressive the candidates!

It's in the Professional Politicians Handbook: When confronted with compelling incriminating evidence, one may misspeak or misremember; if caught red-handed with a smoking gun, one may exaggerate, distort, even dissemble or misrepresent--but one must never, NEVER lie!

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