Friday, May 16, 2008

Political "Experience"

To paraphrase Lord Acton, incumbency tends to corrupt, and perennial incumbency corrupts absolutely.


Ian said...

The operative phrase here is "tends to." This is not an absolute. Again, I would argue that there are exceptions, perhaps even more than might be statistically expected. And I see no reason why a good, active representative who continues to do good work for their constituency should necessarily be voted out of office simply over some notion of POSSIBLE corruption. If and when that corruption actually occurs, then, by all means, vote the bum(s) out!

johngalt said...

I favor a preemptive strike! Corruption is too difficult to discovert, root out. (Obviously a tad of hyperbole on my part, to make a point.) If you have ane effective incumbent who is also a saint, by all means vote (again) for him/her!