Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Opening Day Preview!

I wonder what it would feel like, fasting to flush out accumulated toxins: no TV/radio News or Talk, no newspaper Section A; only G/PG movies, only light fiction with happy endings.

We don't have a shortage of health care providers, we have an excess of health care consumers.

GMA honored a woman with 17 biological children. We must evolve to a mindset in which such excessive, irresponsible fecundity is an object not of honor but of derision.

We've come a long way. A Black man may actually become the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. But in the most recent primaries, only 40% of Whites voted for the Black candidate, just 10% of Blacks voted for the White candidate. It seems we may still have a long way to go.

I wonder if this historic presidential election will make Americans more conciliatory or will inflame old racial passions---will it reflect the best in us or reveal the worst?

With a Windfall-profits Tax, who gets to determine how much profit is too much profit?

We do not have a food problem, or a fuel problem, or a pollution problem---we have a people problem (too many!)

No matter which political party is in power, our morbidly obese government is incapable of securing our borders or ensuring the safety of our food and drugs (and toys!) or maintaining the integrity of our highways and bridges or eliminating the crushing national debt that will grind our grandchildren to their knees or exposing and exorcising its own pervasive corruption and ineptitude---now explain to me again, please, why my vote is so important.

It's a garish quadrennial spectacle, crowning the Keeper of the Cookie Jar!

1 comment:

Ian said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere! Nice to see you.

A few comments.

Re "metric," Merriam-Webster defines it simply as "a standard of measurement" (i.e., as a separate definition from its specific use in the phrase "metric system"), and gives the following sample sentence for its usage: "no metric exists that can be applied directly to happiness." Thus, although possibly "stretching" it a little, the pundits' use of the word IS justified.

You say, "We do not have a food problem, or a fuel problem, or a pollution problem---we have a people problem (too many!)."

This is a canard. The truth is that what we have is a DISTRIBUTION problem - which is largely a result of a combination of greed, short-sightedness and incompetence. There is enough food (and potable water) to go around: what is missing is political will (including selflessness and long-term thinking) and competent delivery systems. As for fuel, again, political will and long-term thinking would have put this country (and much of the First World) onto a SERIOUS alternative fuel track over two decades ago.

Finally, you say "Campaign bumper stickers aside, this election is not about changing America but simply about changing the occupant of the Oval Office."

Although some may accuse you of cynicism, I find myself having to agree with this. Without getting into conspiracy theories about the "new world order," it is yet instructive to consider the long-standing and deep connections of Obama, Clinton and McCain to the "big three" "new world order" groups (Bilderberg, Trilateral, CFR), and the extent to which those three groups have been a major part of every administration for at least three decades - and have increased their presence, and thus their influence, on successive administrations. The question then becomes: whose needs are TRULY being served by a U.S. adminisrtation? The "people?" Or a subset of "the people," who just happen to be the rich and powerful?

Sadly, no matter what one may think about the "new world order" theory, it seems clear that we are a nation "of" the transnational corporations, "by" the transnational corporations, and "for" the transnational corporations, with two "parties" call the Republicrats and the Democans.
