Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Irreconcilable Differences

Despite agonized attempts to "get along," religion and science are fundamentally, at their cores, incompatible: religion provides immutable answers, issues eternal prescriptions and proscriptions--a static condition of closed-mindedness; science poses questions, pursues and promotes evolving hypotheses--a fluid state of inquisitiveness.

Science searches for answers, religion invents them.

Dependent on proofs, science is dynamic; contrary evidence is welcome. Independent of proofs, religion remains static; contrary evidence is heretical.

Challenge scientific dogma and you may earn a Nobel Prize; challenge religious dogma and you earn eternal damnation.

Whenever science contradicts scriptures, believers insist that what the bible says isn't (necessarily) what the bible means; theologians simply (conveniently) reinterpret the offending passages. Odd that god has had so much difficulty making himself understood.

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