Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pap and Pipedreams

Following a rash of violent juvenile crime, a cadre of multidisciplinary experts instructed us where to lay blame. But I heard no one even consider possible untoward consequences of some self-esteem propoganda: "You can be anything you want." (No, you can't!) "You can have it all." (No, you can't!) Perhaps it should come as no surprise when our kids become frustrated and angry, and lash out at a society that feeds them a diet of pap and pipedreams.

Sorry, kids, but you can't "have it all." With a bit of luck, you can have some of it, but you'll have to work long and hard to get it!

A society that fosters unrealistic expectations and baseless feelings of entitlement foments (future) civil unrest.

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