Sunday, August 3, 2008

Get ready to rrrrumble!

"Buy American!"? Capitalism is a bloodsport--Adam Smith's "invisible hand" is a brass-knuckled fist--only the fittest survive; the wayside of corporate history is littered with the rotting husks of companies that could not endure without special preferences or protections. Let the Games begin!

Absent a dramatic improvement in Third-World standards of living, it seems evident to this non-economist that America can regain its competitiveness in the global marketplace only by reducing the costs of domestic labor or by achieving and maintaining significant advantages in efficiency/productivity and/or quality.

The bumper sticker read: "Proud to be UNION." Is the driver proud that union demands for unrealistic and unsustainable wages and benefits have resulted in erosion of the U.S. manufacturing base and a mass exodus of American jobs?

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