Monday, July 7, 2008


Once again, an example of our morbid fascination with death, especially unexpected violent death. The gross spectacle of media hordes descending on the grief-stricken campus---intruding into students' most private and painful moments, digging and delving for every crumb of tangential minutiae, was an abomination---analysis become obsession. Journalists, leave the survivors alone
to grieve in their own ways; report the news---whatever, and as much, information as the public has a legitimate need to know, but stop pandering to our prurient interests and excesses.

Memo to TV producers: I do not want to see another interview with another set of parents of another dead child. Please stop.

One commentator on the college murders insisted that an armed citizenry would have reduced the body count. Perhaps. But what might be the unintended consequences of a campusful of pistol-packing, binge-drinking, testosterone-sodden frat boys?!

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