Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Big Brother, can you spare a dime?

Americans need more and better jobs, not a piddling one-time "stimulus" check. How many jobs did FDR create with his WPA? How many jobs did Eisenhower create with his Interstate Highway construction? How many jobs did Kennedy create with his moon-landing mission? How many jobs might we now create with an infrastructure-restoration program or an energy-independence program or a manufacturing-revival program or an inner-cities revitalization program or...

Some tasks are of such magnitude that only government can undertake them---we need a domestic Marshall Plan, not a dole, to resuscitate our moribund economy.

1 comment:

groetzinger said...

Anything like this will not happen with McCain.He will keep us on the path of taxing the middle class,tax breaks for oil and corp.and spending money on everyone but the American people!It is their way,much like the Muslim extremist,to claim the world.