Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let the cutting begin!

I applaud Congress' newfound and overdue insistence on Pay-as-you-go. No more deficit spending, they say; new expenditures must be funded by cuts to existing programs. Trouble is, the budget hawks can't seem to find anything to cut. Here's a thought:
Annual U.S. military spending exceeds $650 billion--Number One among the international Top Ten Big Spenders (U.S., China, France, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil); nearly five times the second-highest, nearly ten times the third, and billions more than Numbers Two through Ten combined! The U.S. operates 700-1000 foreign military bases (depending on how/what you count) in about 150 countries, plus another 6000 domestic facilities. Stimulating local civilian or host nation economies is not a legitimate military objective--let's close all military installations, foreign and domestic, that are not essential to (our) homeland security, and downsize the rest. Let's eliminate all those wasteful weapons systems that the military doesn't need and that even the president and the pentagon don't want but which stay budgeted to appease certain powerful legislators who can claim the bacon for their home districts. Let's expedite disentanglement from our futile and enervating incursions in Iraq and Afghanistan. And let's demand that henceforth our allies do more of the heavy lifting.
Guardians of the public purse, lay down your scalpels and grab a chainsaw!

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