Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Universal Law of BIG

Even bright individuals, when aggregated in large groups, often collectively act stupid.*

*Note: Applies equally to Big Government and Big Business.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let the cutting begin!

I applaud Congress' newfound and overdue insistence on Pay-as-you-go. No more deficit spending, they say; new expenditures must be funded by cuts to existing programs. Trouble is, the budget hawks can't seem to find anything to cut. Here's a thought:
Annual U.S. military spending exceeds $650 billion--Number One among the international Top Ten Big Spenders (U.S., China, France, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil); nearly five times the second-highest, nearly ten times the third, and billions more than Numbers Two through Ten combined! The U.S. operates 700-1000 foreign military bases (depending on how/what you count) in about 150 countries, plus another 6000 domestic facilities. Stimulating local civilian or host nation economies is not a legitimate military objective--let's close all military installations, foreign and domestic, that are not essential to (our) homeland security, and downsize the rest. Let's eliminate all those wasteful weapons systems that the military doesn't need and that even the president and the pentagon don't want but which stay budgeted to appease certain powerful legislators who can claim the bacon for their home districts. Let's expedite disentanglement from our futile and enervating incursions in Iraq and Afghanistan. And let's demand that henceforth our allies do more of the heavy lifting.
Guardians of the public purse, lay down your scalpels and grab a chainsaw!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The trouble with Obama is that he needs to focus--like a laser--on
the BP cleanup...climate change...renewable energy...Iraq...
Afghanistan...Iran...North Korea...Yemen...Somalia...Israel...
Gaza...Pakistan...Al-Qaeda...domestic terrorism...illegal
immigration...crumbling infrastructure...failed public education...
health care costs...financial reform...budget deficit...
national debt...governmental corruption/waste/fraud/abuse...
If the BP CEO kept giving the same answers (and he did), it may have been because his congressional inquisitors, preening for the cameras, kept asking the same questions.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Promises, Promises

President Obama promises new regulations to ensure that a disaster like the Gulf oil spill will never happen again. "Never" is a long time. The president also promises that the Gulf coast will be restored even beyond its pre-spill condition. Unlikely in this lifetime. Mr. Obama is a smart, capable leader--the only promise I expect from him is a promise that he will do his best.

Monday, June 14, 2010

If I were King,

I would ban all advertizing of prescription medicines. Drug ads serve no useful societal purpose. Doctors should be relying on data from impartial, peer-reviewed scientific studies. Patients can access numerous independent websites that provide objective summary reviews designed specifically for the laity. The least-credible sources of information about their own products are the drug makers, themselves.
About 27,000 Americans die annually from prostate cancer. About 35,000 from motor vehicle accidents. About 40,000 from breast cancer. And about 180,000 from medication errors and adverse reactions. I suggest TV viewers fast-forward through the morass of mind-numbing pharmaceutical commercials--if you don't need that prescription drug, don't ask for it and don't take it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Most-annoying TV Personalities

Pat Sajak, Regis Philbin, Glen Beck, Chris Matthews, Martin Bashir, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Kathie Lee Gifford.

Who are your (Least) Favorites?

Amazing Grace

The governor of Mississippi avowed that "by god's grace" no oil has yet breached the shores of his state. So does he assume that all those pelicans and turtles in Louisiana--not to mention the eleven workers from the stricken oil rig--died because of god's grace withheld? Does he seriously believe that god favors Mississippi over Louisiana? When the spill finally reaches Biloxi, I'm guessing--just a guess, mind you--that the governor will remain silent regarding the role of his god.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


President Obama wasn't angry enough, now he's too angry. Already the mood is shifting from outrage over the assault unleashed by BP on our Gulf coast, to concern for the livelihoods of Louisiana oil-rig workers and British pensioners. Some are even demanding repeal of the newly-imposed moratorium on further offshore drilling. Self-interest rules!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

High Stakes

We were assured that offshore drilling is safe. Now we're witnessing the cost of being wrong. Do we really want to risk also being wrong about nuclear power?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I now pronounce you...

If the defining purpose of "marriage" is procreation, then marriage (given the critical state of global overpopulation) must be considered anathema; if primarily a loving expression of commitment between consenting adults, then marriage per se, straight or gay, should be embraced as a societal value worth promoting and perpetuating.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Random Reflections

My friend is buoyed through her travails by the belief that her god walks at her side. Good. But I wish he would do a bit more of the heavy lifting.

PLEASE--stop bombarding us with all those horrific images of moribund seabirds mired in toxic petro-muck!

If Darwin was right, how come there are still so many stupid ugly people?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Graves,

I recently watched "Anyone and Everyone" on PBS. I was extremely impressed by the depth of your humanity and the intensity of your unwavering love, respect and support for your gay child--even more admirable in the context of your own conservative religious and political backgrounds. The eloquence and passion of your advocacy must be compelling to any rational person willing and able to listen with an open mind. Your son is fortunate indeed to have such parents, and I feel fortunate to have met you both through this remarkable documentary.