Saturday, August 15, 2009

What do YOU think?

My friend, himself quite a player in "the day," asked what I thought of the Eagles signing Mike Vick:

Only someone amoral--a sociopath--could have committed acts (electrocutions, eviscerations, et al) as despicable and sadistic as Michael Vick did. He gets only scorn, no sympathy, from me. I thought he should have been locked up for about 20 years--then if he wanted to try to play football again, I'd have had no objection! I find it offensive hearing the Eagles' coach say, and "fans" mindlessly parrot, "This is America...everyone deserves a second chance"--including murders, rapists, pedophiles?? Vick's acts were just as heinous; his remorse, I believe, is primarily over being caught, losing his multimillion-dollar contract and the misplaced adulation of the masses. There must be scores of talented players who actually DESERVE an opportunity to compete and prove themselves--Vick does not. Surely, as a society, especially one that often lauds its own compassion and humanity, we must aspire to higher values than how fast someone can run or how accurately he can throw a ball!

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