Monday, July 19, 2010

Caveat Emptor

For the most part, the government's role in influencing consumer choices should be to educate and inform, not to prescribe or proscribe.

Gimme That Ol'-time Religion!

On this day in 1692, five citizens of Salem, Massachusetts were hanged for witchcraft.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life Extension

Public health advocates are alarmed that today's children may be the first generation to experience shorter life spans than their parents. So what?

Before I agree to that treatment intended to extend my longevity, I want assurance that my extended life will be worth living.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pick Your Poison

In the wake of the banking crisis and Gulf oil spill, obstinate Republican advocacy of deregulation defies credulity. No less incredulous, starry-eyed Democratic insistence that they will craft effective and efficient regulations.

To the Editor

"Doctor shortage"? What doctor shortage? New Jersey has a nonfederal physician density of 332 per 100,000 population, ranking eighth among the fifty states, well above the national average of 283. By way of contrast, Idaho has 171, Mississippi 181, Nevada 189, Wyoming 190. I suggest that New Jersey may suffer not from a shortage of Supply but from an excess of Demand.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chill out!

Continual sensory overload can raise the threshold necessary for subsequent stimuli to elicit a response.

Racial Profiling?

If the U.S. were being surreptitiously invaded by Swedes, would it be discriminatory (or common-sensical) to pay particular attention to blue-eyed blondes?

Friday, July 9, 2010

Trivial Pursuit

Am I the only person on the planet who doesn't give a tinker's dam where (or whether) LaBron James plays basketball?!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Re: "The Secret"--PHOOEY!

Strive to achieve your potential--you can never exceed it.

You are limited not by your dreams but by your abilities.

Much unhappiness is due to unrealistic expectations and a baseless sense of entitlement.