Saturday, April 24, 2010


For critics to characterize Arizona's attempt to seal its porous border with Mexico as an "anti- immigration law" is unfair and inaccurate. The U.S. cannot indiscriminately accept and absorb all those "yearning to breathe free."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Earthquakes and volcanoes and tsunamis...Oh my!

If the recent spate of natural disasters were truly "acts of god," expressions of divine disapproval for our perfidy, his scattergun reproofs were disproportionate and often misdirected.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A-hunting we will go...

Hunters like to portray themselves as the true conservationists, doing their part by culling the herds. I say the herd that most needs culling is the human herd--quit the NRA, join Planned Parenthood!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To the Editor

Today's editorial missed the mark by tacitly endorsing a supposed correlation between education expenditures and student academic achievement. Great Britain and several other nations whose students consistently (and considerably) out-perform ours in reading proficiency, math, and science spend far less than we. NJEA protests and propoganda notwithstanding, taxpayers are receiving an unacceptable return on our investment. Quality and allocation of resources seem to have a greater impact on educational outcomes than dollars allocated. Salary freezes and staff/service reductions--in education as elsewhere throughout our fragile economy--are not mutually-exclusive, either/or options; they both are painful and essential (but still insufficient) measures to help right our foundering ship of state. I did not support candidate Christie, but I applaud the governor's political courage in confronting powerful special interests and proponents of business as usual.