Friday, March 26, 2010

Defending Sarah Palin (!?)

When I protest that Governor Palin's battle cry to rally the troops was not a literal call to arms, I am employing metaphor; when the governor urged her supporters to "reload" and "target" Democrats, so was she.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Loyal Opposition?

Republicans are appearing increasingly petty, mean-spirited, obstructionist, and tiresome.
For the most part, Americans are a compassionate and generous people, willing to open their wallets to help those less fortunate. Cynical politicians should stop trying to woo us with promises of a Free Lunch.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kudos and Caveats

Congratulations to President Obama and Speaker Pilosi: their historic achievement has irrevocably advanced the national conversation from "If" to "How." I wish them wisdom tempered by humility as they now confront the daunting challenges of implementation.

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Pass it, then fix it"?

We may be embarking on another deeply flawed, budget-busting entitlement program--another political "third-rail," like Medicare and Social Security, that would-be reformers for decades to come will consider too hot to handle.

Johnny One-note

Whether for good or ill, the most remarkable aspect of the entire ugly, protracted spectacle was the unwavering mantra and impenetrable solidarity of the Republican opposition.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On the Fence

After many months of intense debate, all the arguments have been exhausted, pro and con. I can understand how some thoughtful legislators enthusiastically support the bill, while others sincerely oppose it; but I have difficulty attributing pure motives to elected representatives who still, on the eve of the final vote, have not made up their minds.
I suspect that the deciding votes may be based not on reasoned conviction but on intellectual sloth and/or political expediency.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Matter of Perspective

Some say each of us was put here for a purpose; I say we arrived serendipitously and determine our own purposes.

Risky Business

Heath insurance premiums are reflective of, not responsible for, most medical costs; we should not expect to control premium inflation while mandating expanded benefits (and carrier risks).

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Presto chango!

I believe that people can change; I also believe that they rarely do.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Advocacy or Appeasement?

A key battle was lost when President Obama backpedaled from urging health care reform to pleading for health insurance reform.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

AMA Part of the Problem

The American Medical Association complains that physicians and patients are drowning in paperwork that increases overhead and drives up costs. True enough. Administrative requirements should be streamlined. But unnecessary paperwork doesn't drive overall health care costs nearly as much as physicians performing unnecessary procedures, ordering unnecessary tests, prescribing unnecessary drugs.